Crisis management in the event of a serious incident involving students
This action plan was adopted by the Faculty of Medicine Undergraduate Education Board on 1 October 2019.
If an incident occurs, such as a student experiencing a serious situation, crises may arise and it is vital to manage these properly.
This checklist provides support and describes the various steps in the process. These issues concern crisis management in the event of a serious incident, such as serious personal injury, however the concepts they rest on are applicable to other crisis situations.
If a serious incident occurs, the Coordinator must be contacted. The Coordinator for each programme is the operational manager/programme director.
Programme coordinators (in Swedish)
If the information about the incident is first communicated to the Department, Course Director or other individual, the person receiving the information must immediately contact the Coordinator.
Coordinator action plan
- The Coordinator should first check that the information is correct.
- The Coordinator immediately convenes a crisis group for a brief meeting and review of the action plan in which the crisis group checks the information they have received and determines what needs to be done and who to contact. It is proposed that the crisis group consists of the Coordinator, study adviser, course director/teacher. If necessary, the crisis group contacts:
- The Chair of the Programme Committee for the relevant educational field
- The Study Adviser for the relevant educational programme
- Vice Dean of Undergraduate Education
- Relevant teacher, for example: level manager/course manager/term manager/phase manager/focus manager/course manager/clinical teacher/supervisor of work integrated learning
- The student association concerned (Medicinska föreningen, VÅVS)
- Student Welfare Officer at the Faculty of Medicine
- Student Health
- Head of the Education Unit at the Faculty of Medicine
- Head of Communications at the Faculty of Medicine
- The Head of Communications in turn notifies the Head of Department, assistant heads of department for undergraduate and postgraduate level, Head of Operations at the building concerned (BMC, CRC) and Head of the Faculty International Office.
International exchange students and programme students
The action plan is followed as above. In addition:
- Addresses of relatives of outgoing and incoming exchange students are available from the Coordinator at the International Office at the Faculty of Medicine. This also applies to free movers managed by the International Office. In the event of a serious incident, the relevant country's embassy may need to be contacted to pass on information about what has been done and information to relatives.
- For incoming international students on master's programmes, addresses of relatives are available from the Administrative Coordinator (or equivalent) for the programme. In the event of a serious incident, the country's embassy may need to be contacted to pass on information about what has been done and information to relatives.
- For incoming international students within research groups that are not administered by the International Office, the research group manager must be contacted.
Expert assistance
In crisis situations, expert assistance is often necessary, for example to help with support counselling for groups or individuals. Student health, student counsellors, student chaplains or hospital chaplains etc. can be helpful.
Student health
Reception +46 46 222 43 77
Student Welfare Officer
Faculty of Medicine: +46 46 222 79 82
The student chaplains (can also provide contacts regarding other religions):
+46 46 35 87 35
The student chaplains (Lund cathedral's website, information in Swedish)
Hospital chaplain Lund
Hospital chaplain Lund (the Church of Sweden's website, information in Swedish)
Hospital chaplain Malmö
+46 40 33 10 00, ask for the Hospital Chapel
Hospital chaplain Malmö (the Church of Sweden's website, information in Swedish)
Hospital chaplain Helsingborg
+46 42 406 10 00, ask for the Hospital Chapel
Hospital chaplain Helsingborg (the Church of Sweden's website, information in Swedish)
Action plan updating
Each programme board is responsible for ensuring that everyone mentioned below, or their equivalents, have access to an updated action plan.
- Programme Board Chair
- Programme Director/Operational Programme Manager or equivalent
- Educational Coordinator (secretary of the Programme Board)
- Level managers
- Phase Manager
- Orientation Manager
- Term Managers
- Course Managers
- Course Secretaries
- Study Advisers
- The chairs of student union sections at the Faculty of Medicine
In addition, brief information must be published on the Faculty of Medicine Intramed stating that this action plan has been established and referring to the Coordinator for the educational programme concerned.
Updating the crisis group contact list
The Coordinator is responsible for updating the crisis group contact list on an annual basis.