Grants and scholarships
Grants to apply for
In the grants calendar, you will find current research grants from external financiers. Filter by category or grant type, or view grants using the search box in the menu.
Please be aware that if you do not select a category, type or keyword, no announcements will appear in the list.
Grants calendar (Log in with your Lucat-ID.)
Grants that may not be in the grants calendar can be found on the page Other grants.
Scholarships from the faculty
Here you can find current scholarships and grants from the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University, such as post-doc scholarships and summer scholarships:
ALF funding
Here you can find information in English about ALF funding:
Other grants
Here you will find more grants from the university, faculty and external financiers. You will also find information about the support you can get during your application process.
Resources at Lund University
- Research support (LU's Staff pages) monitors and informs about external sources of funding within, for example, the EU, or foundations and funds of interest to the university's research. They also provide free assistance and advice in connection with grant applications and ongoing projects.
- Travel and research grants (LU's Staff pages)
- International – travel grants and incentives