Use ORCID – a unique and internationally valid research identity
What is ORCID?
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is used by many funders and publishers in order to identify researchers. As a researcher, you can use an ORCID ID to ensure that your publications are credited to you and not to someone else who has a similar name. ORCID is a non-profit organization, based outside of Europe, that provides researchers with a unique digital identifier. ORCID has been created at the instigation of universities, funding bodies and publishers/journals and is used both for applications and publications.
Why should I use an ORCID iD?
It will gain your purposes to have a unique researcher identity when you apply for grants and when you submit your manuscript. As an individual researcher, you will, for example, benefit from having an ORCID in your dealings with funding bodies and journals. Instead of having to repeatedly fill in information about yourself and your publications, increasing numbers of services will come to support this information being automatically retrieved from ORCID.
Consistent use of a researcher ID means that you get recognition for all your work and that they are credited to you when evaluating your research.
How do I get an ORCID iD?
Registration is free. Look up your name in the search bar on the main page of the ORCID websit. Upon registration, you will get an ORCID record that you can control in terms of content and decide who will be able to see it.
Connect your ORCID to your LUCRIS profile
You can also link your ORCID ID to your LUCRIS profile to automatically export your publications registered in LUCRIS. A connection between ORCID and LUCRIS also means that every time you post a publication in LUCRIS, your ORCID profile is automatically updated. So you don't need to update two systems manually with future publications.
Read more about how to connect your ORCID ID to LUCRIS (Lund University´s Staff Pages)
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