Managing data in a high-security environment using LUSEC
LUSEC is a comprehensive 'virtual desk' for storing, managing and analysing personal and sensitive data that requires high security in compliance with legislation, such as the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The platform includes a storage solution with data encryption, a secure user environment for various applications and secure file transfer software.
How to order a LUSEC project
A LUSEC project needs to be requested by the research manager, PI, or by a research administrator.
- Go to LU ServiceDesk website.
- Chose Services and click on the green menu item Research project authorisations (LUSEC). Log in with your Lucat ID adding after your username.
- Fill in the application form.
- Send your request. It will take up to 2–3 weeks for the LU central IT support (LDC) to set up your project in LUSEC. You will receive a notification via email as soon as the project space is set-up. User guides, collected in one single zip file, will be included in the email.
Before requesting a LUSEC project space, you need to have the right authorization in Lucat. For help with Lucat, contact your Lucat administrator.
Following attribute are required for a LUSEC project manager or LUSEC project member:
Data manager: eduPerson
Affiliation: Assurance level
Employee, member: Confirmed
Project members can apply for the following user and access rights:
- Project member (reading and writing rights)
- Only reading rights
- Export and import rights
Commonly, the project manager (PI) gets reading and writing rights as well as export and import rights. Project members can apply to any of the authorization right, the application needs to be approved by the project manager.
LUSEC support & data management consultation
The Library Research Support team can advise you on how to manage your data effectively and securely before, during and after a research project. You are welcome to book a consultation on how to use LUSEC or for advice on general data storage and information security issues. Contact us at servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se. Please mention LUSEC in the subject line.
Pros of using LUSEC for managing your data
- All data and applications are incapsulated in a highly secure environment
- Safe and stable storage with encryption of stored data at Lund University
- Correct backup of stored information
- Controlled distance access to all information
- Log management
- Possibility to structure your workflow and manage your data more effectively
LUSEC meets existing data protection legislations and recommendations for storing research data processed from researching humans and biological material from humans, as well as processing personal and sensitive data. LUSEC also addresses the requirements from The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) for availability traceability, integrity, confidentiality, and offers a secure environment for using various data analysis software.
More on information security
The links below go to Lund University Staff Pages.
- Registration of personal data processing
- Research data management
Swedish laws and regulations that affect you as a researcher when managing your research data. - Why is information security needed?
Contact and Support
Library Research Support
- Ask a question
- Book a consultation
- Get user support
Contact us at servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se.