Telephone and telephony
At Lund University, the Division of IT handles all telephone subscriptions. It is possible to get so called MEX (mobile extension) which means that you have two phone numbers, a mobile number and a landline number, on the same subscription.
How to buy a phone
Purchases of phones are made in our financial system Lupin/Proceedo.
Read more about how to order in Lupin/Proceedo (Lund University Staff Pages)
Telephony and telephone subscriptions
Information on how to order a telephone and telephone subscriptions at Lund University Staff Pages.
Contact telephony
LU Servicedesk
servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se (servicedesk[at]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 222 90 00
Internal telephone directory at Lund University (Salut)
Search by name or number and add messages to your phone extension.