Chemical safety and KLARA
For managers on chemical safety
On the university’s HR website, the internal website for managers at Lund University, you can find guidance and support for handling chemicals safely within the university. The webpage contains information on the distribution of responsibilities, the manager's responsibilities in chemical safety, laws and regulations.
This article has not been translated from the Swedish. Follow the link for full article in Swedish. (Please use Google Translate or Word for a quick translation). For further questions and support, please contact a health and safety coordinator at your department. Contact information can be found on this webpage.
Lund University uses the chemical management system KLARA to keep records of health and environmentally hazardous chemical products.
KLARA login (login with Lucat ID)
As a manager, you must ensure that your group/department has employees who are tasked with registering and inventorying in KLARA. No training is required to gain access to read rights and the risk assessment tool in KLARA. However, training is required to be able to register and take inventory.
More information about the course for registering chemicals and taking inventory (log in with Lucat ID). The course is also provided in Swedish.
How to handle chemicals safely at the Faculty of Medicine
Link to "Instructions for the Faculty of Medicine" (Sharepoint, login with Lucat ID).
Here you will find information about chemical waste and spillage.
Training in chemical safety
Online training in basic chemical safety at Lund University in English. The training is also provided in Swedish.
Do you have questions about chemical safety?
You can also contact the university's chemical safety coordinator via e-mail: chemsafety [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se (chemsafety[at]bygg[dot]lu[dot]se)
Contact KLARA
Contact your KLARA administrator:
lena [dot] ohlsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (lena[dot]ohlsson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Med-service, IKVM and ITM
linus [dot] jeppsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (linus[dot]jeppsson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
You can also read more on the university's HR website (in Swedish).