Biosafety means protecting people and the environment from exposure to infectious biological material generated in the laboratory. As an employee, you must assess the risk in each area and make a report to the Swedish Work Environment Authority.
Biosafety management
On the following pages, you will find risk assessment forms for each area and information about the notification to the Swedish Work Environment Authority.
This article has not been translated from the Swedish. Follow the link below for full article in Swedish. (Please use Google Translate or Word for a quick translation). You can also get more support from the faculty´s biosafety coordinator. Contact information is available on this website.
The links below go to HR-webben (Lund University's website for HR-topics). The information is in Swedish.
- Biosäkerhet
- Genetiskt modifierade mikroorganismer GMM
- Genetiskt modifierade organismer GMO
- Hantering av mikrobiologiska risker
- Animaliska biprodukter
This is how you report to the Swedish Work Environment Authority
- The application is sent to the faculty's biosafety coordinator (see contact information in the column to the right) for reading and feedback on the application.
- The biosafety coordinator forwards the notification to Registrar’s office for document registration within LU.
- The notification is sent from LU Bygg to the Swedish Work Environment Authority.
- The Swedish Work Environment Authority emails a confirmation with their document registration number after the applicant has submitted a completed application.
Marianne Jansson
Biosafety coordinator
+ 46 46 222 17 70
marianne [dot] jansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (marianne[dot]jansson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
This is how you manage biosafety at the Faculty of Medicine
Link to "Instructions for the Faculty of Medicine" (Sharepoint, login with Lucat ID).