Interlibrary loans, databases and journals
Lund University has a wide range of tools and search services for finding essential medical and health literature. If you still can't find a specific article or book in Lund University's collections, you can request it through the interlibrary loan service of the Medical Library. You must be an employee or affiliated researcher to order articles and books through our service.
How to order an interlibrary loan
- Before placing an order, please check whether you already have access to the article or journal, or whether the book you need is already available at Lund University:
- Search for journals and articles at Lund University in LUBsearch: LUBsearch (Lund University website)
- Find books in the Lund University Catalogue, LUBcat: Lund University Library Catalogue (Lund University website)
- Make an interlibrary loan request at the Lund University Libraries website.
- After ordering you will be contacted by the Faculty Library.
- 80 SEK per article copy
- 150 SEK per book from libraries outside the Nordic countries
- No charge for books from libraries within the Nordic countries
Databases, journals and e-books at Lund University
LUBsearch is Lund University's portal and single point of access to the collections of Lund University Libraries. Through a single search field you can find journals, databases, medical dictionaries, encyclopaedias and e-books.
Off-campus access
As a member of staff or affiliated, you can access databases, journals and other electronic resources such as e-books and encyclopaedias outside the university network. If you're working from home or elsewhere outside the University network, use your Lucat ID to access LUBsearch or connect to a VPN.
Search, borrow, and request books
In the library catalogue you can see if the book you are looking for is available, in which library and on which shelf. When you request a book, you can choose any library as your pick-up location. It is not possible to place a request for available textbooks. Use your LU card to borrow and request printed books.
Learn how to register and activate a library account on the Lund University Libraries website.
Faculty of Medicine Library
- Contact us if you have any questions about your journals, databases and interlibrary loans, or if you would like to make a purchase suggestion.
- You can also make an appointment with the library's research support team for help and advice with your literature search.