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Data management plans – requirements, templates and support

A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document that defines how data will be handled throughout the life cycle of a project, from acquisition to archiving. A data management plan helps you to comply with funding requirements, to meet ethical and other legal requirements, and to document and provide evidence of your research in relation to published results.

Create your DMP by using DMP Online

DMP Online is Lund University's system for creating and updating data management plans. The tool provides structure and support for your work process: you can easily organise data, materials and documents.

Useful templates in DMP Online

There are several DMP templates in DMP Online, including for the Swedish Research Council. Templates are provided by a funder, an organisation or a trusted party. Lund University has a local template that you can use if no other DMP template is suitable.

Start working in DMP Online

  1. Login with your Lucat ID at DMP Online (Lund University´s website)
  2. Choose "Create plans".
  3. Fill in the mandatory fields.

Access the Lund University DMP template by doing the following selections: 

  • "Lund University" as he primary research organisation
  • "No funder assciated with this plan or my funder is not listed" as the primary funder organisation

Why Data Management Plans (DMPs)?

Funding bodies increasingly require grant-holders to develop and implement Data Management Plans (DMPs). To promote open access to research data, many funding bodies require research data produced as part of a funded project to be made publicly available. You are responsible for handling information and data in a secure manner and in accordance with laws and regulations. Systematic and risk-based information security efforts are therefore needed, both at data management level and as a natural part of research teams daily routines.

A DMP should address the following:

  • Data collection
  • Selection and preservation
  • Responsibilities and administrative data
  • Ethics and legal compliance
  • Storage and backup
  • Data sharing
  • Documentation and metadata

You need to check that you

  • comply with all the fundamental principles of the General Data Protection Regulation
  • have appropriate lawful grounds for your personal data processing
  • document your reasoning and your methods.

Funder requirements

Funding bodies increasingly require grant holders to create and implement data management plans (DMPs), for example EU. The Swedish funding bodies, Swedish Research Council (VR) and Formas demand that projects awarded grants as of 2019, have a DMP in place already at the start of the project. The plan must meet the requirements from Science Europé, and all data and meta data produced as part of a funded project must be made publicly available providing this complies with the Personal Data Act. Riksbankens Jubileumsfond has recommendations for both DMP and access to research data. For Horizon 2020, there are requirements for DMP and requirements for making research data available.

Questions regarding requirements from funders

Contact us if you have questions about requirements from funders.

Contact and Support

Library Research Support

  • Make an appointment to discuss your DMP
  • Get help getting started with DMP Online
  • Book a support session 

Contact us using use the library´s contact form.

The Faculty Library provides free support and advice to research groups associated with the Faculty of Medicine.