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Action plan in the event of the decease of an employee at the Faculty of Medicine

Revised 6 Augusti 2020

This action plan is for use when an employee at the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University passes on in order to avoid missing important elements. This does not preclude the Department/Unit from choosing to make different arrangements. 


The Coordinator

A coordinator is appointed at each department/equivalent and is responsible for ensuring that the action plan below is followed and that it is available to everyone who needs it. 

The Coordinator is also responsible for ensuring that the plan is up to date and that all current contact information is available. 

At the departments, the Personnel Coordinator is the Coordinator. In addition, there must be a deputy to the Personnel Coordinator in this role at each institution. 

At the Faculty Office and the faculty specialist centres and equivalent, the Head of the Recruitment, Salary and HR Support Unit at the Faculty Office is the coordinator. In his/her absence, the HR manager becomes the Coordinator. 

Manager with ultimate responsibility 

At departments, the head of department bears ultimate responsibility. 

At the faculty office, the Head of the Faculty Office bears ultimate responsibility. 

In the case of the faculty specialist centres etc. the head/director of the relevant centre bears ultimate responsibility.

If the manager with ultimate responsibility is directly affected, the deputy head/head/director automatically becomes the manager with ultimate responsibility. 

Action Plan

1. Information

The Coordinator ensures that the deceased's immediate manager informs his/her closest colleagues/research group, if they are not already aware of the situation.

The manager with ultimate responsibility ensures that the department staff and faculty management are informed. 

Other contact networks and collaboration partners at the university who should be informed are identified together with the deceased’s immediate manager and colleagues.

3. Crisis management 

In crisis situations, expert assistance is often necessary, for example to carry out support counselling with groups or individuals. The first instance is the occupational health care service, which can refer individuals on if necessary. 

Occupational health care (Lund University Staff Pages)

The Coordinator contacts the Faculty Head of Communications, who provides advice and support in the event of media contact in cases where this may be relevant. 

4. Personnel administration

The Coordinator notifies the pension officer at the HR section (pensioner [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se). The HR Section is responsible for ensuring that:

  • The Vice-Chancellor’s secretary is notified to arrange for flagging and a wreath for the funeral.
  • The National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV) is notified in order for them to send information about among other things group life insurance (including funeral assistance) and survivor pensions, with application documents, to the estate.
  • Death certificate is requested.
  • SSC is notified for termination of employment and payment of final salary (including any remaining vacation days). 

The Coordinator contacts the switchboard and asks that phone calls to the person concerned be redirected to a colleague.

Switchboard: +46 46 222 00 00

The Coordinator contacts the directory administrator for Lucat at the department and together they ensure that:

All e-mails to the person concerned will be forwarded to a colleague. Staff at Sektion IT will help with this.

The data of the deceased is changed in Lucat. The deceased person's operational role should be removed so that it is no longer visible in LUCAT. Authorisations that the deceased had may need to be assigned to someone else. 

If the deceased's e-mail account needs to remain, LU Servicedesk must be contacted for a shared mailbox and to ensure that an appropriate auto-reply for incoming messages be entered. If an e-mail account is retained for a longer period of time, the deceased must be assigned a temporary university-related assignment so that this does not disappear from LUCAT in connection with the termination of the position in Primula. 

LU Servicedesk: +46 46 222 90 00, servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se

The Personnel Coordinator contacts the person responsible for the department/research group website who reviews the listings on the website in which the deceased is mentioned. 

The Faculty of Medicine Communications Section reviews the lists on the faculty website where the deceased is mentioned. 

5. Flagging

The coordinator has the opportunity to arrange flagging in cases where the flagpole is outside the workplace. Flags at half-mast are used to honour deaths and funerals. In the event of decease, this will occur on the day the death occurred or the day after. In cases of a funerals, on the date itself. When this observance is over, the flag is hoisted to the top and then either brought down immediately or at the regular time. When flagging, information about who has passed away must be available in the relevant Reception (BMC or CRC). 

The Coordinator informs the pension officer at the HR Section about the decease, who in turn informs the Vice-Chancellor’s Secretary. At the university building, the flag is flown at half-mast on the day of the funeral of an employee of the university. A wreath or other floral arrangement with ribbons with the deceased's name and the text Lund University is sent to the funeral.

Flagging is an option and is not compulsory.

6. Representative at a funeral 

The manager with ultimate responsibility ensures that the workplace is represented at the funeral and informs employees about when the funeral will take place. All employees who wish to attend the funeral may do so during working hours. 

7. Wreath

The Coordinator ensures that the workplace sends a wreath of flowers to the funeral. 

8. Memorial service

The Coordinator ensures that the workplace holds a memorial service and that all colleagues and family are notified of date and place. 

Possible venues in Lund: 
Fernström Hall, BMC
Spiritual Room (Quiet Room) for individual reflections, SUS

Possible venues in Malmö: 
Small Auditorium, SUS
Auditorium, CRC

Possible venues in Helsingborg:
Helsingborg Hospital; The lecture hall on floor S, Röntgen's round room on floor S, teaching rooms at the study centre. 

9. Obituary

The Manager with ultimate responsibility consults with the close colleagues of the deceased concerning the obituary to be published in local or national press. If the person concerned has also been active in healthcare, consider writing a joint obituary.