VR grant seminar/support programme

The Faculty of Medicine invites everyone who is planning to apply for the 2025 calls within the medicine and health framework from Swedish Research Council/Vetenskapsrådet (VR) to register for the Faculty VR application support programme, organized by Careers Centre and Future Faculty. Support is provided to those applying for: International Postdoc Grants, Starting Grants (Etableringsbidrag), Research Project Grants (Projektbidrag), and Grants for Half-time Researcher in a Clinical Environment (Bidrag till anställning som forskare i klinisk miljö).
January 22nd, 13:00-15:30: Information seminar
Madeleine Durbeej Hjalt, Secretary General, Medicine & Health, Swedish Research Council, and Professor at Faculty of Medicine
Lena Uller, Professor at Faculty of Medicine
Ganna Petruk, Associate Professor at Faculty of Medicine
Niklas Ortenlöf, International Postdoc, joining us from Boston
Pre-review process
You can also participate in a pre-review process to get your project plan pre-reviewed by an experienced Faculty researcher! If you want to participate in this part of the support programme, you need to pay attention to the programme's deadlines.
a. You will be assigned an individual grant application pre-reviewer with experience of the VR review process.
b. The reviewer, who will not necessarily be familiar with your research field, will read and comment on your grant application, focusing on “reader-friendliness”, clarity, and structure.
c. You will then have an individual meeting with the reviewer to discuss your application.
The spots in the pre-review part of the programme are limited, and participants are selected on a first come, first served basis. Therefore, it is also important that you let us know if you, after admission, realise that you cannot go through, so that someone else can take your spot.
Om evenemanget
Belfragesalen, BMC D15, Lund
susanne [dot] sundell [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se