Templates, logos and graphic profile
Here you find materials and links which will facilitate your work when you are going to present or represent the Faculty of Medicine in various contexts.
Please remember that being an employee also make you the face of the Faculty of Medicine. Consequently, the graphic design of your presentation as well as quality level linguistically are important.
Logo Faculty of Medicine
Logotype for Faculty of Medicine can be downloaded from the Lund University image and media bank
Log in using Lucat ID.
Letter templates Faculty of Medicine
Log in using Lucat ID.
University templates
PowerPoint and Word templates to make your own presentation
Lund University supplies PowerPoint templates in Swedish and English for those who wish to create their own slides in PowerPoint. This achieves a uniform layout on all images. There are also document templates in Word.
Lund University templates for PowerPoint presentations and document templates
Employees and associates who present activities from both Lund University and Skåne University Hospital use a PowerPoint template showing both logos.
Lund University and Skåne University Hospital joint templates for PowerPoint presentations:
Scientific posters
Get tips on what to consider when creating a scientific poster as well as tools and instructions on how to do it.
Profile products
Information about how to order profile products:
Profile products at Lund University (Lund University Staff Pages)
Infographics, Faculty of Medicine in numbers
Faculty of Medicine Communications Section
Feel free to contact the Communications Section for help and advice regarding internal information at the faculty and external presentations of the faculty.
Corporate Communications at Lund University
Corporate Communications is responsible for the university graphic profile.
Contact details, Corporate Communications (Lund University's central website)
Images and video - copyright and consent
If you wish to use images in your presentation, make sure you understand the copyright situation and how the image may be used.
Images and video - copyright and consent (Lund University Staff Pages)
Lund University Image and Media Bank
The LU Image and Media Bank contains images that anyone within the university may use.