Support programme for Vetenskapsrådet/Swedish Research Council applications
The Faculty of Medicine welcomes everyone who is planning to apply for the 2025 calls within the medicine and health framework from Swedish Research Council/Vetenskapsrådet (VR) to register for the Faculty VR application support programme, organized by Careers Centre and Future Faculty. Support is provided to those applying for: International Postdoc Grants, Starting Grants (Etableringsbidrag), Research Project Grants (Projektbidrag), and Grants for Half-time Researcher in a Clinical Environment (Bidrag till anställning som forskare i klinisk miljö).
The programme consists of two parts.
You may choose to sign up for only one of the programme parts, or for both the information session and the review part of the programme.
1) Information session and panel discussion on January 22nd, 2025 moderated by Future Faculty, with experienced researchers
a. You will receive information about the sections in the calls, the VR review process, and advice on how to make your application fulfil the evaluation criteria.
b. Questions can be submitted in advance. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions during the session.
2) Pre-review on your Research Plan of the application and individual feedback from assigned reviewers.
a. You will be assigned an individual grant application pre-reviewer with experience of the VR process.
b. The reviewer, who will not necessarily be familiar with your research field, will read and comment on your grant application, focusing on “reader-friendliness”, clarity, and structure.
c. You will then have an individual meeting with the reviewer to discuss your application.
Programme and deadlines
• January 16th: Registration closes at midnight, you will receive a confirmation email. Information about whether or not you got a spot in the pre-review part will be emailed by January 17th at latest
• January 22nd (13:00-15:30): Information meeting regarding call information and procedures, opportunity to ask questions. Madeleine Durbeej Hjalt, Chair of VR Medicine & Health section and Professor at Faculty of Medicine; Lena Uller, Professor at Faculty of Medicine; Ganna Petruk, Associate Professor at Faculty of Medicine; and Niklas Ortenlöf, International Postdoc joining via link from Boston
For International Postdocs:
- February 2nd : Deadline to send full research plan to reviewer and programme administration. The research plan for individual feedback should consist of a maximum of 10 pages of text, written according to the instructions for the relevant call as specified by VR.
- February 10th: Deadline for receiving individual feedback by reviewer (call for applications to VR closes February 18th)
- How International Postdoc grant applications are reviewed:
Peer review handbook Medicine and health 2024
For Starting Grants, Research Project Grants, and Grants for half-time Researchers in Clinical Environment:
- February 17th: Deadline to send full research plan to reviewer and programme administration. The research plan for individual feedback should consist of a maximum of 10 pages of text, written according to the instructions for the relevant call as specified by VR.
- March 3rd: Deadline for receiving individual feedback (call for applications closes March 19th)
How applications for project grants, starting grants and half-time researchers in clinical environment are reviewed: Peer Review Handbook 2024 medicine and health
The deadline for sending in the research plan to this VR grant application support program is non-negotiable; applications received after deadlines will not be reviewed!
The spots in the pre-review part of the programme are limited, and participants are selected on a first come, first served basis. To avoid dropouts and wasting reviewers’ time, we kindly ask you to complete your part of the assignment if you have been admitted in the pre-review part of the programme. Should you not be able to carry it out at this time, please let us know as soon as possible, so someone else can take your spot in the reviewer programme.
For further questions regarding this programme please do not hesitate to contact Careers Centre (susanne [dot] sundell [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se).
The deadline for signing up for either part of the programme is January 16th!