Northern Lights on Food Conference V - Boosting structural food science

The conference “Northern lights on food – boosting structural food science” brings together leading scientists in the field and focuses on the study of food structure, the interrelationship between structure and function, and how a combination of techniques is necessary to fully understand the changes occurring in structure and function of food in complex matrices.
It is a great chance to learn more about the structure of food, meet new people, and establish collaborations connected to food. During three days, speakers will highlight how increased knowledge of food structure can lead to new green and sustainable processes which could be used to create the foods for the future.
The event is aimed at a broad target group of researchers interested in food science and food industry representatives.
Fees: 2900 SEK for researchers and industry, 1500 SEK for PhD students and postdocs, including conference dinner and visit to Kulturen’s Museum
Registration deadline: Please register latest 2/5-2024 (late registrations will be charged a fee of 3800SEK)
Abstract deadline: Please submit your abstract latest 1/4-2024, on the conference website.
The conference is organised by the Northern Lights on Food theme at LINXS, Institute of advanced Neutron and X-ray Science.
About the event
Stadshallen, Stortorget 9, Lund, Sweden
josefin [dot] martell [at] linxs [dot] lu [dot] se