LUDC Diabetes Research Day

The LUDC Diabetes Research Day is a yearly event with the aim of increasing the knowledge of diabetes research.
Junior and senior diabetes researchers give lectures on current research during the day. Talks are also given by the winners of the Leif C. Groop Award for Outstanding Diabetes Research, the Leif C. Groop Young Scientist Scholarship and the LUDC ECN student grant.
The event is aimed at anyone with an interest in diabetes research.
The LUDC Diabetes Research Day is arranged by the LUDC Early Career Network (LUDC ECN), a network of young diabetes researchers at Lund University Diabetes Centre (LUDC).
The talks will be followed by a dinner at CRC at 18.00. Register for the event by sending an email to Ulrika Blom-Nilsson by February 5.
Please indicate if you would like to have a lunch sandwich, if you will participate in the dinner and whether you have any dietary requirements.
Please note that there will be a no-show fee of SEK 500 if registration has been made for dinner and not been cancelled.
E-mail address: ulrika [dot] blom-nilsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (ulrika[dot]blom-nilsson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Registration and lunch sandwich
Welcome and introduction
Chair: Karl Bacos
Key note speaker: Professor Per-Henrik Groop, University of Helsinki, Finland
“Lessons from the large nationwide Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy Study”
Chair: Miriam Miari
Jonas Andersson, Lund University, LUDC, Genetics and Diabetes
“Allelic expression imbalance reveals parent of origin effects on insulin secretion and type 2 diabetes”
Talk by the recipient of the Leif C. Groop Young Scientist Scholarship
Chair: João Duarte
Recipient: Bilal Ahmad Mir, Lund University, LUDC, Translational Muscle Research
"When nature experiments: Story of MSS51/ZMYND17 human knockouts"
Chair: Abrar Ahmad
Pratibha Singh, Lund University, LUDC, Cardiovascular Research – Translational Studies
“Role of TGFB2 in type 2 diabetes associated atherosclerosis”
Break with coffee and tea
Chair: Ben King
Talk by the recipient of LUDC Early Career Network student grant
Chair: Hanna Hultén
Umur Keles, Lund University, LUDC, Metabolic Disorders and Liver Disease
“Short-term effects of high-fat diet feeding: implications for obesity”
Chair: Hanna Hultén
Jessica Melin, Lund University, LUDC, Pediatric Endocrinology
“Does type 1 diabetes screening increase parental anxiety?”
Talk by the recipient of Leif C. Groop Award for Outstanding Diabetes Research
Chair: Marju Orho-Melander
Recipient: professor Ingrid Wernstedt Asterholm, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University
Title: “Adipose Tissue in Type-2 Diabetes: From inflammation to collagen-degrading macrophages”
Closing remarks by LUDC ECN Karl Bacos followed by mingle in the CRC lunch area on floor 11
About the event
Agardh Lecture Hall, CRC, Jan Waldenströms gata 35, Sus Malmö
ulrika [dot] blom-nilsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se