LINXS is seeking original, innovative and cutting-edge themed proposals that will advance science using X-rays, neutrons and complementary technologies. If you have a proposal that combines interdisciplinary and multi-technology elements and brings together experimentalists, theorists, and modelers this could be the thing for you.
“The LINXS national and international theme call is a great opportunity for researchers from the Faculty of Medicine to develop interdisciplinary and collaborative research exploiting the use of X-ray and neutrons facilities – over (and between) the general areas of life sciences, soft matter, and hard matter,” says Trevor Forsyth, director at LINXS.
LINXS Themes do not resource the research itself, but fund meetings and workshops – interactions that would otherwise not occur. LINXS also places strong emphasis on activities for young researchers, the PIs of the future.
LINXS Themes are funded for three years with underlying goals of sustainability beyond the duration of the theme; they have often resulted in novel funding applications and the generation of new initiatives.
For further information on LINXS Theme applications, please contact:
- emanuel [dot] larsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Emanuel Larsson)
- trevor [dot] forsyth [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Trevor Forsyth)
Last application date
31 January 2025 at 5 pm (application should be in English)