The Dean looked back over the past year, including the inauguration of Forum Medicum, information about undergraduate and postgraduate education, infrastructures, recruitment, and our international activities in 2023. Other information and discussion points concerned the appointment of two new working groups with the task of reviewing the operational organisation and dimensioning of our animal activities, CCM, statistics on docentships, updated thesis requirements, and premises, rent distribution and rents for our undergraduate education. At the meeting, the teachers who receive the Excellent Teaching Practitioner, Pia Hovbrandt and Olof Sandgren, were also presented. They are admitted to the Faculty's Pedagogical Academy in 2023.
Decision matters concerned the appointment of honorary doctor(s) in 2024, ALF funds for 2024, elections to various boards in preparation for the change of faculty management, as well as changes in regulations for the Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities (BRCMH) and animal activities at the Faculty of Medicine. In addition, decisions regarding an appointment as adjunct professor of surgery, a position as adjunct professor of neurology, and an appeal of a position as senior lecturer in neurobiology were addressed.